Rula is an app designed for curlies that I developed as the final project of an ux-ui design bootcamp.

ux–ui design project @ allWomen in tech
year – 2020
location – Barcelona, Spain


What’s the curly method?
It is a hair care method that is based on a bunch of principles that promote the acceptance of natural (curly) hair through the use of more natural, organic and healthy products and styling techniques. It is popular mostly among curly patterns, though it can be beneficial for every hair type or pattern.

the challenge

create a platform to help curly hair people to learn how to take care of their hair in a healthy and natural way, following the principles of the curly method.

what did I want to find out?

︎︎︎ how do other curlies feel about their hair?
︎︎︎ what kind of routine do they follow and why?
︎︎︎ what do they know about the curly method?


2 who follow the method and are “experts
4 who follow their own version of the method
3 who don’t follow the method


480 responses in a week
Distributed through Facebook Groups about
the Curly Method and WhatsApp

main insights

problem statement

people who follow or want to follow the curly method need to find a source with organized and clear information because they feel lost and overwhelmed within all the information available online.


The app would take the user through an onboarding process in order to understand their level of knowledge regarding the curly method, their haircare routine and their hair texture. This information will be used to show the user personalised content.


Progress check-ups
Hair changes constantly, specially when you are starting with the curly method routine. It is essential that the app stays updated regarding the progress and state of the users hair so that they keep receiving personalised and useful content.


Personalised tips
The previous items were meant to provide the users personalised information according to their interests and goals regarding hair care, taking into account their hair type and texture and level of knowledge they have on the subject. This informations will be found on the tips section of the app and will be divided into categories.

brand design, art direction, illustration & ux-ui
barcelona, spain